Hint of Salt Bread & Butter Chips

Enjoy Mt. Olive’s Hint of Salt Bread & Butter Chips with less sodium. A serving contains just 200 mg – 25% less than Mt. Olive’s traditional Bread & Butter Chips.

Hint of Salt Bread & Butter Chips Made with Sugar (16 oz.) UPC 09300 00347

Available as:

Hint of Salt Bread & Butter Chips - 0930000347

Bread & Butter Chips - 0930000070

Bread & Butter Chips Made with Sugar - 0930000517

Bread & Butter Chips with Sea Salt - 0930000652

No Sugar Added Bread & Butter Chips - 0930000109

Organic Bread & Butter Chips - 0930000455

Simply Pickles Bread & Butter Chips - 0930000531

SweetHeat Bread & Butter Chips - 0930000132

Bread & Butter Sliders - 0930000287

Find In Store

For a traditional snacking pickle that carries all the classic taste with less of the salt, Mt. Olive’s Hint of Salt Bread & Butter Chips are the perfect choice to top off a variety of meals!

Perfect to have on hand for sandwiches, burgers, salads, in your favorite recipe, or even to with a fork straight out of the jar, there’s no better topping than the refreshingly crispy crunch of a Mt. Olive pickle.

With 25% less sodium than Mt. Olive’s traditional Bread & Butter Chips, we are excited to provide our customers with a sodium-conscious alternative that has all of the classic Mt Olive Bread & Butter flavor with less of the salt!

Our Hint of Salt Bread & Butter chips will delight your friends and family with a lower sodium version of the classic taste they know and love.

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Mt Olive Pickles
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 2 reviews
 by Sheila

I found these pickles at Grocery Outlet Bargain Market and went back to buy the remaining 2 jars! They are delicious! Wish they were sold in grocery store near me.

 by Aaron

These pickles are great, and not too salty.